Freitag, 25. März 2011
Sonntag, 20. März 2011
No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.
- [Todd has been encouraged to improvise a poem.]
- Keating: Say the first thing that pops into your head, even if it's total gibberish. Go on, go on.
- Todd: Uh, uh, a sweaty-toothed madman.
- Keating:Good God, boy, there's a poet in you, after all. There, close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close 'em. Now, describe what you see.
- [Keating puts his hands over Todd's eyes and they begin to slowly spin around.]
- Todd: I close my eyes...and his image floats beside me.
- Keating: ...the sweaty toothed madman...
- Todd: The sweaty toothed madman whose stare pounds my brain.
- Keating: Yes! Excellent.
- Todd: And all the while he's mumbling.
- Keating: What's he mumbling?
- Todd: Mumbling, "Truth. Truth is like, like a blanket that always leaves your feet cold."
- [The class laughs.]
- Keating: Forget them. Forget them. Stay with the blanket. Tell me about that blanket.
- Todd: "Y-y-y-you push it, stretch it. It'll never be enough. You kick at it, beat it. It'll never cover any of us. From the moment we enter crying to the moment we leave dying, it will just cover your face as you wail and cry and scream."
- [The class applauds.]
- Keating: [whispering to Todd] Don't you forget this.
Samstag, 19. März 2011
Ich liebe meine Lieblingsmenschen auf dieser Welt einfach unbeschreiblich. Weil sie es sind, die einen wirklich zum Lachen bringen. Was auch immer gerade los ist. Mit ihnen ist es zwanglos und entspannt, du fühlst dich nicht bedrängt. Du kannst Spaß haben und deine Ängste und Wünsche loswerden. Ich danke euch dafür. ♥
Montag, 14. März 2011
1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you.
100 posts!
Anderthalbjahre müssen gefeiert werden, würd ich sagen. Und deshalb werd ich hier jetzt mal ganz lieb allen Menschen danken, die ich so kenne und denen ich schon immer mal sagen wollte, wie wahnsinnig viel sie mir bedeuten und was sie hier so alles beigesteuert haben, auch wenn sie's vielleicht gar nicht wissen. I love you. ♥
Louisa. Pia. Rebecca. Josephine. Patricia. Dana. Anke. Ann-Christin. Lea. Lisa. Jaqueline. Ruby. Katha. Kathi. Franzi. Lea. Jonas. Michi. Mama. Papa. Oma. Opa. Daniel. Max. Felix. Oma Lissy. Opa Kurt. Lukas. Taddi. Lena. Anna. Jackie. Bea. Lili. Lucía. Amy. Emila. und alle andern wunderbaren Menschen, die diese Welt noch bereit hält.
Anderthalbjahre müssen gefeiert werden, würd ich sagen. Und deshalb werd ich hier jetzt mal ganz lieb allen Menschen danken, die ich so kenne und denen ich schon immer mal sagen wollte, wie wahnsinnig viel sie mir bedeuten und was sie hier so alles beigesteuert haben, auch wenn sie's vielleicht gar nicht wissen. I love you. ♥
Louisa. Pia. Rebecca. Josephine. Patricia. Dana. Anke. Ann-Christin. Lea. Lisa. Jaqueline. Ruby. Katha. Kathi. Franzi. Lea. Jonas. Michi. Mama. Papa. Oma. Opa. Daniel. Max. Felix. Oma Lissy. Opa Kurt. Lukas. Taddi. Lena. Anna. Jackie. Bea. Lili. Lucía. Amy. Emila. und alle andern wunderbaren Menschen, die diese Welt noch bereit hält.
Freitag, 11. März 2011
For Patricia ♥
My beloved, incredible, sympathic, generous, kind, beautiful, talented mail friend,
and you should know by now you are a lot more than this (just a mail friend) ♥
I thank you a lot for allowing me to use your words, so I decided to tell you, this is
and you should know by now you are a lot more than this (just a mail friend) ♥
I thank you a lot for allowing me to use your words, so I decided to tell you, this is
Dedicated to you, Patricia
We both had tough experiences in our lives, even if other people think that they aren't much special to care about, I know that they drew lines on our hearts and made our souls older.
And please don't say your life is sad. Life is whether or like you you want it to be, really. Even if it's sad you shall say it's great. Because it is. Maybe we had to know the bad people first, before we found (or will find) the good ones, so we could recognize them. You know, sometimes it must be bad to become brilliant and great :)
It's hard to trust somebody after bad experiences. But what we can loose? Confidencen? Not really. Trust? Smile? People who hurt us and go away loose much more. They loose everything what's worth living: friendship, love. Time make us recover. I know not fully, but we really have nothing to loose. People who hurt us also hurt us because they are sad. They are hurt. And we have to understand it, pity them. They are poor creatures :) Frightened, longing for smile, love, kindness.
They're just jealous. They see you're above them, that's why they want to bring you down.
Dienstag, 8. März 2011
Montag, 7. März 2011
History Repeating
Und ich vermisse ihn wahnsinnig und drehe bald durch. Er bricht mir das Herz, ohne irgendetwas zu machen. Es ist grausam.Freitag, 24. Juli 2009
I still have no idea what to think about him. No. And no plan what to do.
I just know, that my heart beats faster every time he writes me. That there is the strange hurt when he talks to other girls and this look. His blue eyes. And me blushing. Desperately.
I guess I am in love. Again it's him.
Worst kind.Montag, 24. August 2009
Samstag, 5. März 2011
Skiiiiiiii Foarnnnnnnnn!!!!!!
Skiiiiiiii Foarnnnnnnnn!!!!!!
Am Anfang erscheint der erste Hügel noch unglaublich steil, aber nach einiger Zeit fahren die meisten ihn im "Schuss" hinunter. Die Mutigeren wagen sich bereits am ersten Tag an rote Pisten.
Zur gleichen Zeit fahren die "Profis" im benachbarten Skigebiet "Steinplatte" bereits alle blauen, roten und sogar eine schwarze Piste ab.
Zum Mittagessen treffen wir uns alle auf der Winklmoosalm. Später stürmen wir erneut die Piste und um 16 Uhr fahren wir zurück ins Hotel, wo alle erschöpft ins Bett fallen. Am frohsten sind wir darüber, dass wir die unflexiblen und schweren Skischuhe ausziehen durften. Danach verbringen wir noch einen feucht fröhlichen Abend miteinander.
Auch in den folgenden Tagen fahren wir sehr viel, verbessern uns von Piste zu Piste, sodass am zweiten Tag ein Großteil der Anfänger schon auf den anspruchsvolleren Skipisten der Steinplatte fahren kann. Trotz einiger Stürze fahren wir immer weiter und haben riesigen Spaß.
In den verbleibenen Tagen wollen wir noch sicherer fahren lernen und einen Slalomschulmeister küren.
Weitere Berichte werden sicherlich noch folgen.
Unseren Mitschülern wünschen wir sehr viel Spaß in der Schule!
von Moritz, Lena und Jan (16.Februar 2011)
Hard Times
Those are truly hard times. The best people in the world, the kind, the honest, the social ones, all of them are close to breaking down now.
One is suffering from the hardest heartaches.
One is at the edge of the world we know, frequently interrupted by enormous earthquakes.
One is betrayed by the person she always saw as her best friend and would have done anything for.
One is fearing for his beloved sister's life and jut learned what his family has to go through to save her.
It appears that the universe must be in a horrible mood, trying to test out how much the good-hearted people can take. Maybe we are just growing-up and finally seeing the real life. But it is cruel.
Those are truly hard times.
One is suffering from the hardest heartaches.
One is at the edge of the world we know, frequently interrupted by enormous earthquakes.
One is betrayed by the person she always saw as her best friend and would have done anything for.
One is fearing for his beloved sister's life and jut learned what his family has to go through to save her.
It appears that the universe must be in a horrible mood, trying to test out how much the good-hearted people can take. Maybe we are just growing-up and finally seeing the real life. But it is cruel.
Those are truly hard times.
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