Samstag, 17. April 2010


Lena's bookshelf: read

Gefangen in New York.The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr HydeCity of Fallen AngelsSommerflügelFliegender Stern.Blueprint. Blaupause.

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After which is apparently stalking what you are listening to, and Twitter where everybody can read what you are doing and feeling at the moment, there has been another great invention for everybody to let people have an insight in their private lifes.

Goodreads is an internet portal everybody can sign up in for free and publish what books he or she has read lately or ever in time.
There is room for discussions about the books, pages about the authors, trivia quizzes, reviews to read and write yourself, and, and, and ...

Sign in and get in touch with me, readers!
Books offer worlds we can enter without moving one inch at all.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Just wanted to say that I deleted my account this morning. I saw no sense in it anymore since I was never online and my books are on my shelves, soo .. yeah. Have a good life!
