Mittwoch, 31. August 2011

skins ♥

Skins, Folge 1, Teil 7
Tags: <a href="">Viva TV</a>

back in germany.

Barcelona. Airport. 25°C.
Trotz Halsschmerzen alles super, ein wenig Trauer über die Abreise, die locker noch 3 Wochen nach hinten hätte verschoben werden können, nicht nur eine halbe Stunde.

Flug über Spanien und Frankreich. Tausende Meter über dem Boden. Der Sonne nah.
Kaum Wolken, wenn nur kleine, süße, wie Watteberge. Flug über Paris, die Stadt der Liebe und riesengroße Freude bei dieser Entdeckung. Leckre, warme Wraps und chillen in der hintersten Reihe der Lufthansa Maschine.

Düsseldorf. Deutschland. Dichte Wolkendecke. Kälte.
Schon beim Landeanflug schreien alle auf, dass sie zurück nach Barcelona wollen. In die Sonne. Leichte Turbulenzen beim Flug durch die dicken, schwarzen Wolken über Düsseldorf. Man fühlt sie wie im Reisebus auf einer Pflasterstraße. Sichere Landung - Kälte. Keine Sonne. Der Wunsch, den nächsten Anschlussflug zurück in die Sonne zu nehmen. Auch zwei Tage später noch. Das Wetter macht depressiv, wenn man zwölf Tage geilstes Sommerwetter hatte. Deutschland eben.

Dienstag, 16. August 2011


Weil Vorfreude ja angeblich die schönste Freude ist. ♥
1 Tag 9 h 26 min

the dscs

Here we go with the Dirty Sexy Club Scene (DSCS) from Cassandra Clare's City of Lost Souls (CoLS). Everybody knowing the Mortal Instruments (TMI) will be quite pleased with most of it, at least that is what my opinion is. Lean back and enjoy it.

Now keep in mind a version of this does still exist in the books, but it is much less . . . well. You'll see. I wrote this in Mexico, probably having had too much mezcal, and I was trying to capture a mood of really dark, tipping over the edge sensuality, doing things that are probably a bad idea, you get the picture. I also recall reading bits of this aloud to Holly Black, Paolo Bacigalupi, Ellen Kushner, Sarah Rees Brennan, and Delia Sherman, who never dropped her knitting. So it can't be that naughty...can it?
I think for those who really hate spoilers you might want to avoid this because the things about it that may be the most shocking are not the sexy bits but the beginning....

* * *
"What's going on?" It was Jace, having fought his way free of the pack of dancers. More of the shimmering stuff had gotten on him, silver drops clinging to the gold of his hair. "Clary?"
"Sorry," she said, getting to her feet. "I got lost in the crowd."
"I noticed," he said. "One second I was dancing with you, and the next you were gone and a very persistent werewolf was trying to get the buttons on my jeans undone." He took Clary's hand, lightly ringing her wrist with his fingers. "Do you want to go home? Or dance some more?"
"Dance some more," she said, breathlessly. "Is that all right?"
"Go ahead." Sebastian leaned back, his hands braced behind him on the fountain's edge, his smile like the edge of a straight razor. "I don't mind watching."
Something flashed across Clary's vision: the memory of a bloody handprint. It was gone as soon as it had come and she frowned. The night was too beautiful to think of ugly things. She looked back at her brother only for a moment before she let Jace lead her back through the crowd to its edge, near the shadows, where the press of bodies was lighter. Another ball of colored light burst above their heads as they went, scattering silver, and she tipped her head up, catching the salt-sweet drops on her tongue.
Jace stopped and swung her toward him. She could feel the silver liquid trickling down her face like tears. He pulled her against him and kissed them, as if he were kissing tears away, and his lips were warm on her face and made her shiver. She reached for the zip on his army jacket, ripped it down, slid her hands inside and over the cotton of his shirt, then under the hem, her nails scratching lightly over his ribs. He stopped and cupped the back of her neck with his hand, leaning to whisper in her ear. Neither of them could be said to be dancing any more: the hypnotic music went on around them, but Clary barely noticed it. A couple dancing past laughed and made a derisive comment in Czech: she couldn't understand it, but suspected the gist was get a room.
Jace made an impatient noise and then he was pulling her after him again, through the last of the crowd and into one of the shadowy alcoves that lined the walls.
This alcove was conical, with a low stone pedestal in the center on which an angel statue, about three feet tall, stood. It was made of black basalt, but its eyes were glass, like doll eyes, and its wings were silver. The floor was slippery and damp. They skidded across it to fetch up against a wall, Jace with his back to it, and then he was kissing her, bruising hard and hungry kisses. He tasted salt-sweet, too, and moaned as she licked the taste off his lips. Her hands threaded through his hair. It was dark in the alcove, so dark Jace was just an outline of shadows and gold. She gripped the edges of his jacket, pushing it off his shoulders; it fell to the ground and he kicked it away. Her hands came up under his shirt, clawing at his back, fingers digging into the skin there, softness layered over hard muscle.
He kissed her harder and she clutched his shoulders as he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and bit down on it, sending a shock of pleasure mixed with pain through her body. She squirmed to get closer to him and felt his breath quicken; she could taste blood in her mouth, salt and hot. It was as if they wanted to cut each other apart, she thought, to climb inside each other and breathe each other's breath and share each other's heartbeats, even if it killed them both. There was blood under her nails where she had clawed his back.
Jace pressed her forward, spinning them both around so she was pinned between his body and the wall. As they turned, he caught the edge of the angel statue, toppling it to the ground and shattering apart in a cloud of marble dust. He laughed and dropped to the ground in front of her on his knees among the remnants of broken statuary. She stared down at him in a daze as he ran his hands up her boots, to her bare legs, to the lace that edged the bottom of her slip dress. She sucked in her breath, as his hands slipped like water up and over the silk, to her waist, to grip her hips, leaving streaks of silver on the silk.
"What are you doing?" she whispered. "Jace?"
He looked up at her. The peculiar light in the club turned his eyes an array of fractured colors. His smile was wicked. "You can tell me to stop whenever you want," he said. "But you won't."
"Jace..." His hands bunched in the silk of her dress, dragging the hem up, and he bent to kiss her legs, the bare skin where her boots ended, her knees (who knew knees could be so sensitive?) and farther up, where no one had ever kissed her before. The kisses were light, and even as her body tensed that she wanted to tell him she needed more, but didn't know what, didn't know what she needed exactly, but it didn't matter because he seemed to know it. She let her head fall back against the wall, half-closing her eyes, hearing only her heartbeat like a drum in her ears, louder and louder still.

Copyright by Cassandra Clare and her publishing team.

Montag, 15. August 2011

trojan horses are no cute ponies

Weil diese Trojaner wirklich überall auftauchen können, ohne das man es merkt. Auch mit Antivirusprogramm. Und weil man den Betrügern nicht trauen darf oder Angst haben darf damit zur Polizei zu gehen. Offenheit, Ehrlichkeit und das beiseitestoßen des Schamgefühls sind in dieser Angelegenheit essentiell. Die Anschuldiungen wegen Kinderpornografie und dem Besitz von dementsprechenden Videos kann bei manchen Menschen echte Angst- und Schulgefühle hervorrufen, doch bei U-Kash und ähnlichem sollte man wirklich die Polizei einschalten. Die Angst, alle geliebten Fotos und Videos und Musiktitel zu verlieren macht einen wachsamer. Und Wachsamkeit, Aufmerksamkeit und vorallem Aufklärung sind bei solchen Internetangriffen enorm wichtig. So here we go. Danke an die Bundespolizei für diesen Artikel - er belegt nicht nur meine Unschuld - sondern die von tausenden.

Erpresser missbraucht Polizei-Logos


Die Bundespolizei (BPOL) und das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) warnen vor einer aktuellen Erpressungsvariante durch Schadsoftware:

Die Bundespolizei und das Bundeskriminalamt warnen Internetuser vor einem aggressiven Computervirus. Die Schadsoftware lädt sich automatisch beim Surfen im Internet herunter und installiert sich dann selbstständig auf dem infizierten Computer. Nach der Installation öffnet sich ein bildschirmfüllendes Pop-Up-Fenster. Der darin erscheinende Text behauptet, dass der Computer an strafbaren Handlungen, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit der Verteilung kinderpornografischen Materials sowie dem Versand von E-Mails mit terroristischem Hintergrund beteiligt gewesen sein soll.

Aufgrund dieser Umstände sei der Computer gesperrt worden. Zur Entsperrung soll der Benutzer des Computers nunmehr binnen 24 Stunden eine „Strafe“ in Höhe von 100 Euro mittels des digitalen Bezahldienstes „uKash“ entrichten. Sollte der geforderte Betrag nicht entrichtet werden, würde die Festplatte des Computers gelöscht werden.

Das Pop-Up enthält zur weiteren Untermauerung der Authentizität der Meldung Angaben über den betroffenen Computer, dessen Betriebssystem sowie der verwendeten IP-Adresse und dessen Provider.

Besonders dreist: Um den Eindruck einer polizeilichen Handlung zu erwecken bzw. zur Bekräftigung der Drohung nutzen die Täter rechtswidrig die Logos des Bundeskriminalamtes und der Bundespolizei sowie von verschiedenen bekannten Antiviren-Herstellern.

Hierzu erklären die Bundespolizei und das Bundeskriminalamt:
Weder das Bundeskriminalamt noch die Bundespolizei sind Urheber einer solchen Meldung. In dem vorliegenden Fall handelt es sich um einen Betrugsversuch. Die Polizeien in Deutschland nutzen in keinem Fall Pop-Up-Fenster, in denen zur Zahlung bestimmter Beträge aufgefordert wird.

Das Bundeskriminalamt und die Bundespolizei raten:
Internetuser, die eine derartige Pop-Up-Meldung auf ihrem Computer erhalten, sollten den geforderten Betrag auf keinen Fall bezahlen. Der Rechner ist bereits mit der Schadsoftware infiziert, die wesentliche Teile des Betriebssystems verändert hat, um das Pop-Up zu generieren. Ein normaler Zugriff auf das Betriebssystem ist auch nach der rechtswidrig geforderten Zahlung nicht möglich. Die Sicherheitsbehörden arbeiten derzeit gemeinsam intensiv an einer Empfehlung, wie durch die Benutzer eine Bereinigung des infizierten Rechners erfolgen kann. Bei weiteren Fragen hilft Ihnen das BSI-Service-Center, dass unter 01805 274100 oder erreichbar ist.

Generell gilt: Vorsicht ist besser als Nachsicht - Halten Sie deshalb den Update-Status ihres Betriebssystems und Ihrer genutzten Anti-Viren-Software immer auf dem aktuellen Stand. Dies erhöht die Chancen, dass es erst gar nicht zu einer Infektion mit der Schadsoftware kommt.

Mehr Infos zum Thema: Auf den Seiten der Polizei

Dienstag, 9. August 2011

i loved sesame street, too!

Whenever I stop and think of you, it makes me smile to know that you, my friend, are in my heart,
Wherever I may go!

Thank you, Patricia. For just being there for me. All the time. I won't ever let you out of my life again! 

Junk Of The Heart

I wanna make you happy.
I wanna make you feel alive.
Let me make you happy.
I wanna make you feel alive at night.
I wanna make you happy, are you a good girl tonight?